Happy New Year! We hope you had a joyful and memorable Christmas. How has your first week back at work been? Transitioning from the festive cheer of December to the routine hustle of January can be a challenge for many. The Christmas tree is down, the decorations are packed away for another year and visiting friends and family have gone home. There’s a reason this month features Blue Monday, or the most depressing day of the year!
But the start of a new year also provides an opportunity to rediscover your zest for life and embrace the unlimited potential of the 12 months stretching before you. Here are our top tips for bringing a bit of ChattyFeet sparkle into 2025.
Do something out of the ordinary
Take up a new hobby, start a new exercise regime, visit a gallery or museum, or plan an adventure! What have you always wanted to try? Perhaps you’ll have a go at pottery this year, finally tick Peru off your travel bucket list, pop into that quirky local exhibition during your lunch break, or try hula fit at the gym, just for the hell of it. Having something to look forward to can lift your mood considerably and broadening your horizons will enrich your life and the lives of those around you. As an added bonus, exercise has been shown to boost immunity, helping you ward off any seasonal coughs and sniffles.
Be kind to yourself and others
Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve already slipped up on your New Year’s resolutions! Instead, focus on your strengths, the progress you are making towards your goal, and the things you’re grateful for. Spend more quality time with friends and family and seize the opportunity to make them feel appreciated beyond Christmas time. It’s easy to take those closest to us for granted but it’s a great idea to remind people why we like spending time with them.
Take time to play
As adults, life can seem so serious and demanding that we rarely do something without a purpose, but just because we enjoy it. We could all do with rediscovering our inner child and seeking out moments of playfulness from time to time. Commit to scheduling regular “me time” for something you enjoy, spend time discovering the world, and embrace being silly whenever possible!
Eat well
Most of us overindulge during the festive period – those mince pies just kept on coming! – but January is the perfect time to reset the diet and turn over a new leaf. Some people give up alcohol this month or try out a plant-based regime (veganuary) but small changes can make a big difference. Boost your energy levels by bringing lots of vegetables back to your plate, say no to fatty foods and snacks, and drink lots of water. Combine this with regular exercise and you’ll be on the right track!
Humans are social creatures and good relationships are essential for our mental wellbeing. Seek out people who laugh easily and find humour in the everyday – their playful nature and lighthearted approach will lift your spirits. Laughter is proven to boost endorphins, lower stress, and relax the whole body. Or, you might surround yourself with reminders to lighten up – a funny picture on the front of a notebook, a toy on your desk, or a pair of
ChattyFeet socks that make you (and those around you) smile. Discover a collection of
cool socks for women and you might also like our
illustrated enamel pins.